What are you willing to Be?

Mornings for me usually begin with my bird chirping alarm, then silence, saying thank you in my mind, being still and feeling love, and letting my mind travel deep within. There is some visualization, some positive talking to myself, sending love out to certain people, laying in bed with the cat and listening to his purrs, and just bathing in the sheets absorbing all the feel goods I can think about and tell myself. If my mind seems to take over instantly and start overthinking, I grab my phone, pull up my favorite videos on YouTube that talk to me, and reel me in to control my monkey mind. Yes, sometimes I need help too. I am a fan of free YouTube mindfulness videos, guided meditations, positive talk, self-reflection, storytelling, positive quotes, and social media videos that give me sound, color, light, words, and pictures of feel-goods that get me in a grateful mood. Rather than focus on what I think I have to do or should be doing that day, I focus on getting into a feel-good state of Being. 

As I self-transform myself into a new me each day, I ask for assistance from the universe to show me the way, teach me, and allow myself to be used in ways that can be of service and helpful. I trust in the process because I have witnessed the internal powers. I have tapped into the mind and re-developed pathways to support new ways of thinking. I have developed emotional awareness. I understand myself better. I know that anything is possible, and am continually learning like a student of life. Self-mastery is a big component. I also speak out about what I desire and all the tangibles that seem to be what I want. It helps give me clarity and direction and focus. I paint pictures in my mind that look like perfect scenarios of where I wish to be, with whom I wish to be, what I wish to be doing, and whom I wish to be. I hope for happiness, health, abundance, peace, and harmony for myself and everyone in the world. Besides hoarding a genie lamp and rubbing it daily and wishing three wishes that hopefully get granted, this is my real human process. :) It seems to be working and is a slow and beautiful evolution of reality that I create daily. 

Reflecting upon what was, living in the moment, daydreaming, and not getting too hung up on this human existence seems to help me get into that flow. You know the “in the zone” feeling when things are just coming to you naturally, and everything seems to be moving seamlessly. I call it the Sol Flo life. A life full of ease, clarity, purpose, and passion. Feelings of connection, love, and trust that the universe has everything under control. A life where it is our job solely to be creators, be on the leading edge of humanity, and take care of ourselves and our earth. We call a life full of twists and turns “being” part of the“change”. It’s beautiful. Self-expansion is a big part of this process and a “how to” develop ourselves into this state of being. Existence in the flow is purposeful. There is a belief and an all-knowing that something bigger is taking care of everything. There is a letting go of what was to a living in the now perspective followed by simply existing in peace. It feels harmonious and “right”. It feels light and airy and full of sunshine. It feels bright and seems to cradle the world's existence into one blanket. Only here is there no right, no wrong, no rules, no regulations, no conditions, no comparison, no judgment, no criticism, no guilt, no hatred, no fear, no resentment, no grudges being held, and no hierarchy. It just is. 

Love seems to fuel this lifestyle and these perspectives. Love seems to live here in the flow. Love seems to be the catalyst that helps and supports a wonderful existence. Love seems to be what most of us are seeking. Does lack of love mean lack of health? Where there is love, disease cannot exist. When we are connected with our source, we are part of universal love and love ourselves. We are love. There is light here, not darkness. When we feel the light, we can see the light, because we are the light. We call ourselves light beings, yes? Our only job is to let that light out and shine bright. An expression of ourselves is living authentically within this love. Now we are human “beings”. 

So what are you willing to be? Are you willing to let go of that grudge, that resentment, that anger, that fear? Are you willing to allow yourself to feel your way through life? Are you willing to manage your mind and entertain new perspectives? Are you willing to see past people's reactions or looks and enjoy the essence of who they really are? Are you willing to “work” at contributing to the solution? Are you willing to open up and let abundance flow to you rather than reaching out in lack? Are you willing to give and receive? Are you willing to be a leader instead of a victim? Are you willing to see a beautiful world instead of gloom and doom? Are you willing to treat everyone and everything with complete love? Are you willing to be kind and love yourself no matter what? Flipping the negative narrative to the positive and making lemonade out of lemons is where it is. Letting go of all that does not serve us well is also where it is. Slowing down our pace in the beginning and letting this all snowball into a downstream type of existence is where it is. I know we are humans, and we want to see the manifestations here and now. Profound greatness, strength, and deep love come with the slow and steady brewing of life. I think it’s worth it. I think I’m worth it. I think we are all worth it.

I look forward to watching us all BE. 


Relaxing into the Future….


The Holistic Human Detox…