The Holistic Human Detox…

Green drinks, dealing with stress, herbs and supplements, harsh chemicals, dirty environments, negative people, bad relationships, and dark feelings come to my mind when I first dove deep into toxins, living toxin-free, and detoxification. After being slammed for promoting a “detox workshop” at a gym, I began observing and questioning what it was all about and why. So thank you to the person who ripped me a new asshole in such a kind and analytical way. I was already working on my listening skills, so it was easier not to take it personally. It was just another experience that had me questioning our human ways. I was being authentic to myself at the time, so I was doing what I knew and teaching how I knew. Now I know more and know a better feeling way. I have a deeper understanding and can hopefully lead by example and lead the way. Through my self-healing journey from cancer, I learned about the body and mind processes, why’s, and how it all works. This understanding has allowed me to heal from the human ways that caused me to struggle. This is a good example of the more you know, the better. However, during this journey, the more I knew, the more I wanted to leave and not be human anymore:). I had visions of going to an island and isolating myself, but what fun would that be after some time passed? Part of being human is interacting and being with one another. It’s part of the joy in life. So in this blog case in an attempt to continue to learn and help others along the way, I am following my motto “sharing is caring”. :) 

Back to the toxin talks. By dictionary terms, toxins are a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues and typically capable of inducing antibody formation. I love this definition because it can clarify how we get sick in the first place and that these toxins contribute to sickness. The good news is that since that is the case, it is resolvable, and sickness can be claimed as reversible. Toxic is defined as containing or being poisonous material, especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation. Uh, hello, see any correlation now? When we get sick, it is because we are making ourselves sick, and it is showing up in a specific part of the body. The sickness shows up because of toxins being toxic, and those can be named as chemicals, people, places, things, ways of thinking, self-induced stress, unwanted stress, thought processes, unresolved emotional wounds, and dysfunctional relationships (including the one with ourselves), I am not saying we are doing it on purpose. We are simply reacting to what we know to be true for ourselves at each moment. All I had to say at this poignant time of my cancer journey was shit, how am I going to get out of this one. Well, shit turned into self-advocacy, so I am thankful. 

I am not here to say that everyone needs healing and needs to detox. I am saying that when we are not feeling good, we can look within and start detoxing from our human ways. When we feel good, we are aligned with our source and life is happy and full of love. When we feel bad, we are out of alignment with our source, and life feels unhappy and full of struggle. Maybe you were not ready to hear what I just wrote, so feel free to come back when you feel ready. :) I will define the source as whatever you deem appropriate to concentrate on when looking within. (God, Allah, Buda, Jesus, Source, Divine, Jehovah, and so on) I like to say Universal Consciousness, but I like source as a shorter point of reference.:)  So as the world turns to being green, eco-friendly, sustainable, organic, and natural to support healthier living, we also turn to understanding ourselves better and releasing all that does not contribute to our higher purpose. That might call for a holistic human detox. :) Detox is short for detoxification, dissolving something from an intoxicating or addictive substance. My life changed when I started to understand this concept and apply it to myself holistically. Understanding that toxins come in many forms was very important to healing. It alleviated me from looking for the magic pill to help me. I started to understand that when we address the whole of who we re, then we truly start to live and heal. You will try just about anything when you are diagnosed with a chronic disease. Thank you to USPS, UPS, and FEDEX for bringing me some excellent products to help my process. (herbs, oils, supplements, plants, air and water purifiers, organic cotton clothing and bedsheets,etc), They were all a learning process in replacing my toxin-filled ways with nontoxicity. Now all I had to do was figure out how to let go of the past, my past belief system that no longer served me, my habitual ways of being, deal with the humans and situations that were not helping my healing journey, and most importantly reestablish a healthy relationship with myself.

Living holistically means addressing the mind, the body, the emotions, the soul, and the “wholeness” of the universe. This is a game-changer. It no longer means we can resolve our issues one-dimensionally. Living as a holographic human (multi-dimensional) requires looking at all the parts, not just one. It involves looking at the seeds and the roots, not just the tree. It is intrinsic, not aesthetic. You feel it. You don’t always see it. It means relieving ourselves from our physical and mental attachments. It’s like cleaning our house but from a spiritual point of view. We are home. We can build homes and call them our homes, but home really is within. It’s true, home is where the heart is. When we discover this, detoxing from the old human ways becomes more understandable and easier to shed. 


What are you willing to Be?


Reaching for the Feel Good…