Reaching for the Feel Good…

In the world of wellness, looking within, holistic perspectives, mindfulness, meditation, plant-based nutrition, essential oils, sound baths, quieting the mind, energy medicine, and so on, we are embarking on what could possibly be a mass awakening.  The demand for natural, green, eco, organic, sustainable, and fair trade pushes the world to adapt and create new environments that heal and contribute to the solution. At large, we are being forced by nature and the higher powers that be to move mankind forward in a kinder way. We are learning to be more compassionate and treat ourselves better. The population of humans worldwide is seeking many forms of medicine and ways to be well.  You can see it in business, socialization, family dynamics, and our relationship with ourselves. This is way bigger than trying out yoga, eating vegetables, moving our body, and trying to “get quiet”. The “old norm” is no longer, and we are all trying to find our way to “the new norm” or reestablish the old norm that doesn’t exist anymore. But wonder if there is no norm? Wonder if we are supposed to repeatedly be creating a new and the idea of gloomy perspective is to get everyone moving in a healthier and happier existence? Kind of like shedding the skin to live in the “new us”. It might seem crazy because some will see the pain and suffering and disagree. When I was knee-deep in my self-healing cancer journey, I quickly learned that being our advocate was a potent tool to use when navigating this world and was essential to create a life that felt worth living. There will always be ups and downs; sometimes, the down cycle looks and feels like “the sickness” has worsened. I have good news. That is part of the healing phase. 

Whether we choose to see it or not, we are all witnessing and taking part in self-healing as a society. How do you know? Sometimes It feels confusing and crappy. Sometimes it feels freeing and joyful. Sometimes it feels lonely and scary. Sometimes it feels hopeful and promising. Parts of it feel new and unfamiliar. Parts of it feel wrong because they go against our old perspectives. We might feel very uncomfortable. We might feel stupid or crazy or shameful. We are being pushed out of our limiting beliefs and taking a stand for what we feel is best for us. Daily current news channels display these moments like a movie. Many known, accepted, and unaccepted inequalities, world and human dysfunctions, and old ways that no longer serve us are now being chiseled and chopped away. There is finally a parting in the clouds. Thank you! Is it perfection? Yes, because perfection is in the journey. We are all on a journey together whether we like it or not. 

Does that mean we are heading to a promised land with no more problems, no more struggles, no more war, no more tyrants, no more evil, no more bad… of course not. Those things are necessary for us to evolve to the next. So be thankful. Thank you Donald Trump. Thank you covid. Thank you Fauci. Thank you quarantine. Thank you no more job so I can really do something I love. Thank you Biden. Thank you masks and vaccines. Thank you economic debts and crashes and perceived governmental schemes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. ( I am using these examples since these seem to be hot topics and up for debate. I am also not saying this in a facetious way, insinuating disregard or dislike for any of these hot topics.) I believe we are all part of a oneness and if that is so, it means we are all in this boat together and all part of the sameness. That means we are all part of the perceived good and bad because you are me and I am you. What does this all mean? Haha in my opinion it means we better grow another layer of thick ass skin so we can get through it all, digest it, purge it, stop blaming, and start living authentically. Spiritual Tami would call this “looking within” rather than looking externally for answers and whom we can blame. Change starts from within so it is up to us. Not the government. Not your doctor. Not your significant other. Not your mom or dad. Not the holy ghost. Not a magic pill. Blah. Blah. Blah. It is up to us as individuals and as a whole to look within and embrace change.

A new Golden Era is coming. More abundance. More love. More kindness. More peace. More happiness. Good health. Humans being of service. A compassionate world. A world evolving closer to freedom from within. The power lies within our own hands. But if it is new to many people, how are we supposed to know how to deal, or what to do? How do we feel better? How do we do better? How do we be better? My advice for a starting point would be to wake up each morning with much gratitude and continually reach for what feels good every day. Every moment. When we embrace love, exude love, learn to love, learn to be loved, we become a kinder human being. A more considerate human. A happier human. A healthier human. We are in a state of feeling good. Because we reach for what feels good, we see the good in everyone and everything. We are innately good. That is the true us. The authentic us. We are all part of higher consciousness and therefore we are all connected. We all impact each other. We are physically vibrating beings filled with light that is moving through this realm of life. So be kind to you and reach for what feels good. Because when you are kind to you, it means you are being kind to me. Kind to the we. That's how you get started. That's how you make a change. Focus on the feel-good and watch life change. Watch others change around you. Watch a society change. Be an observer and a good listener. Care about how you feel. Take care of yourself. Speak kindly to yourself. Love yourself no matter what. Let go of what does not serve you anymore. Start creating and expressing yourself. Stop caring what others think of you. Stop comparing and blaming and let it all go. When you do this, it means you are reaching for what feels good. 


The Holistic Human Detox…


Everyone has a Journey…let it be