Everyone has a Journey…let it be

In a world that displays acts of darkness, how can we trust that everyone and everything is ok? Who and how are we trying to nurture? Why do we need things to be different for us to be happy? Why do some believe there is one way, and that is the right way? What to do about all the sicknesses in the world? How do we create equality? How do we teach and lead so others understand? Lots of questions that hopefully can be somewhat answered in a blog format. :) Just like a real estate purchase that needs to be remodeled, rebuilt, or essentially torn down and built new, our humanness takes over, and we cannot help but “react” to these questions or scenarios. It’s this reaction that can define what kind of world we live in, how we live as human beings, and how we support one another. Feelings of sadness, fear, and struggle might cause us to react. We might feel we see a better way of doing things or creating things that will be helpful. How do we address it? Some might be fixers, but there is nothing to be fixed. Some might call themselves helpers, but they enter martyrdom. Some might feel called to resolve with solutions that create dysfunction and unhealthy attachments. Some might feel that need to steer, which turns into manipulation and control. We want to make it better because we see and feel the pain and suffering. But what is better? How do we get better? How do we help others get better? What is the purpose of this whole thing called life?

Well, one thing I am continually learning along my journey is that there is no “helping” if we have not helped ourselves yet and have a deep understanding of who we are and why we are here. So if you have not dug into any self-mastery, you are probably a part of one of those scenarios I listed above. No shame in the game. No criticism or judgment. We ALL have to go through this and support each other. It's a continual process, just like our own individual journeys. Many might be resistant. Many might not understand. Many might choose to disagree. Many might feel they want to do human things with their time here. Who am I to judge? I’m not a judge, and that is certainly not my job. After all, I titled this blog “Everyone has a Journey… let it be”. Letting go of the reigns and letting each entity have its own experience is promising. If we dip our hands in everyone’s clay, we don’t allow each unique experience. I am here simply to present ideas, options, and perspectives, spread love, enjoy my own experience, be helpful when I can, lead by example, and show people how to get in touch with themselves so they can lead their own authentic lives. 

Creating our destiny is part of the journey. Living by the laws of the natural universe is helpful. Embracing a holistic view of ourselves seems to help us live with ease and less struggle. Knowing thyself is the biggest job each of us will have in this lifetime. So as we embark on our journey, we learn, grow, and expand as humans and collectively as the human race and universal consciousness. In each journey, there is much to be shared. As we open up to receive, we let in all that is. We can fill ourselves with the most fulfilling prophecies. We have new visions, feelings, thoughts, perspectives, and ways of being. We can learn to nurture ourselves healthy, letting us manifest all we desire. Only then can we be the best helpers and nurturers in the world. Now it's like we are all walking hand in hand instead of one in front of another. Everyone is unique and has an adventure. Everyone is equal and learning from each other. Everyone is experiencing life the way they see fit for themselves. I am visualizing a Michael Jackson “We Are The World” and “Man in the Mirror” moment (thank you, Michael). We purposefully start to create with more intention and lead with our intuition. Our thoughts contribute to what we want. Yes, thoughts turn to things. 

So, how do I get what I want if my thoughts turn to things? Think about the things that you want and lead with love. Yes, material things, but all things you desire, even the intangible. Care bout how you feel and let those good feelings lead the way. If you are not feeling good, meditate, get quiet, lie down, and restart the day. It’s all possible. Take care of yourself and leave everyone else’s journey to themselves. Be a cheerleader and of assistance when needed. Master yourself and lead by example. Look forward to the never-ending journey and let it be.

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