Vibrating into Bliss

What vibrates? Everything! Yup! What does that mean? We are all made up of matter and energy that is continuously vibrating. Why should I care? Because that means you can vibrate yourself into a natural state of wellness. The body wants to heal. The body wants to function in a way that serves your higher self. This is an easy way to live, without struggle, without harm, to the body that is considered our temple. Why not take care of it every day? Soothe yourself into your natural state of being and watch life change. Feel life in a more positive and fulfilling way. See life from a lens that highlights the beauty and preciousness of life. Feel light and inspired to create your joyful life and vibrate that energy to the people around you. Lift yourself and lift others. 

How? Could you slow down and take it easy? Could you be more mindful? Could you take time for self-care every day?  Could you become a good listener? Could you communicate and express your authentic self? Could you observe and explore each day and treat it as an adventure? Could you accept people as they are and trust that everything is ok? Could you believe in yourself and connect with your inner compass? Could you exude nothing but love in everything you are and do? If you answered YES to any of those questions, you are already on your way! The journey has already begun! Get excited! And guess what, all those “things” I just asked you are all free. 

Are you already healthy? Well, is there ever a state of being “too healthy”? Are you an artist? An athlete? A doctor? A parent? A student? A child? A professional of some kind? Do you have your creative craft? Are you an entrepreneur? Do you seek more out of life? Are you curious about expanding your mind and consciousness? Do you want to feel more supported and connected to the universe? Do you ever wonder why you are here? This is also about human evolution, transformation, metamorphosis, and performance. We are so powerful that we can create strife or create happiness. What kind of reality do you want? How do you want to flow through life? You are in charge. Start with your soul intention, put your desires out there, go for what feels good, and watch your life manifest exactly how you intend. The journey is the good stuff. Be open to acceptance and change. Life is meant to be fun, so let's get to it!

I will lead by example and share all that I know. My journey is also never-ending. I also learn as I go. I am a creator of goodness within myself. When I create, that goodness radiates off of me. Making positive strides forward and having a positive impact is all we can do. That's our job. Can you see your life as your career? What will you do? Whom will you be? Only you know, and the power is within you and in the palm of your hands. Us humans are on the leading edge, and we have these particular receptacles called senses. We can use them to nourish our mind and body and the process of our evolution. I enhance my mind and body through energy, sound, light, color, herbs, oils, plants, and flowers. I support my body through movement, self-expression, mind management, and feeling my emotions. I acknowledge my energetic body and my connection to the whole. I create a home filled with peace, love, happiness, good health, and abundance. We are all connected and work collectively to shape this universe. My specialty is educating people about creating and maintaining a holistic lifestyle that positively supports our vibration. Making the best version of ourselves that helps to build healthy environments, unify people, and support the evolution of the world. We pay it forward when we take care of ourselves. My passion is using all these vibrating elements to formulate my creation called DreamBathing™. It's a vibrational and immersive experience. I will send you an invitation when I am ready. If you would like to be invited, please leave your email so I can contact you. I will be so happy to meet, greet, and learn more about you. I look forward to it! Cheers my friends! I am letting my Sol-Flo™ and it feels wonderful. See you soon.

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