EXHALE your Truth

road to self-transformation

I now abide by the statement, “the truth shall set you free”. It is absolutely the word that embraces a positive trajectory of our lives. Facing our fears and telling the truth about ourselves. Confronting our stories and beliefs and letting ourselves process the emotions behind them is key. This is a very important part of opening up to total self-transformation. The idea of being our truth and telling our truth and expressing our truth as a means to set us free, helps us to exist peacefully and joyfully, which feels so good.

There have been many powerful discovery moments along my journey, and they continue to surface. It’s part of the process. I remember one conversation with a close girlfriend who always tells me the brutal truth of what she sees. I was trying to work through some issues, and in our conversation, she responded with, “ if that’s what you’re telling yourself, you are lying to yourself”. My mind kinda drew a blank, and I was startled because I realized the power of our minds, the stories we tell ourselves, perception, and our own reality. I don’t consider myself a liar, so in that moment I felt tremendous grief for the life I had led and the distortions that were created because of what i had been taught and childhood trauma. I had an instant moment of clarity on how that impacted the trajectory of my entire life up to that point. This was key in growing compassion and cultivating a good relationship with myself.

As I reflect back on my life to observe what was, appreciate the now, and keep moving forward, I am tapping into what I am feeling each moment these days as a means to navigate myself through life. My compass had some pretty wonky directions over the years, and I realize that It was a direct result of not allowing myself to be at ease and feel my feelings. In the end, I was not being truthful with myself because of fear. Oh, joy. It resulted in the inability to connect deeply with people, and it set me up for failure many times. The results were constantly not feeling good about myself. So, in the end, I also felt like I was losing and not feeling good about life. All I can say is I get it now and am so happy to be the truth and be able to say it out loud and let things just be and trust the process. I understand the past is what was and that reality no longer exists. To stay attached to it does not serve my highest good or purpose. I have given myself and others the gift of forgiveness, acceptance, truth, love, and trust. I realize I can only change me and am the only person in charge of me. I continue to navigate and now have the tools to process and get through the dark moments that might arise. I now have a healthy relationship with myself. This allows me to have a better relationship with others and to see the beauty in life, the universe, all of humanity, and possibility.

To elaborate on truth, it is the opposite of lying or not letting out our true feelings and intentions in a way that expresses our natural state of being wherever we may be in life. My experience is that a lie is because we cannot come to grips with ourselves, what our reality is, and accept what is taking place. We don’t know how to be any different. Perhaps a lie can be a crutch or addiction or way of being that we feel. If we feel we are not winning, we are just spinning a story in our favor, which is not reality. I think there can be tiny white lies like denying some little thing that took place, OR there can be big inner lies like telling ourselves stories to cope.  Perhaps lies are also used as some kind of manipulation to get what we think we want. Maybe lies could also be a denial of our truth and are created as a protective shield because we are afraid to bare our truth.  Living lies in a world that seems harsh is probably pretty common. In any of these scenarios, I think lies are not helping us win or succeed. Lies can contribute to poor self-love, and probably make other people feel bad in the process.

As long as I am being truthful :) I would have to say I have been on the giving and receiving end of a lie. It is not fun on either end. It’s fake news. :) No matter how big or small, it does not help us truly grow into what we desire. Lies are hindering, and the internal emotions that result tend to lurk around until we can actually come to terms with the lie and accept what is. I don’t think lying is abnormal, I think we all have lied in some capacity, whether we want to admit it or not. Simply living a life that is not joyful and peaceful and telling ourselves, that we have no choice in the matter, or being afraid of change for whatever reason could be living a lie. I did it. There, I just told on myself. See how easy it can be? I don’t even feel bad that I said it, and that was my life for many years. I’m actually happy to say I can come to terms with it and accept it. There is very profound and complete freedom in truth. 

I think the best way to deal with a lie is to be compassionate and speak with love. Whether you are speaking to yourself or another person. Communicating in a way that can help unravel the lie and seek the truth works in favor of everyone and everything. It allows the universe to keep showing us the way, and it propels us into a happy and healthy, and fulfilling future. So why not expose our lies today? Go ahead and do it! I just did, and I am still here, and everything is ok. We make lies such a big deal when it is about how we cannot deal with ourselves. Unmasking a lie can make a world of difference and let’s us all exist a little better each day. So be gentle. Move forward. And next time you encounter a lie, be easy about it. Realize something is happening within someone (or ourselves) that we just can’t deal with at the moment. Take a deep breath and let’s all exhale the truth. 

On a final note, I have seen so many truths, and they are lovelyl! Even when it might be a dysfunctional truth, it is still so beautiful because it is a person “in the moment” being truth and that’s where they are at in life. So tell on yourself and tell the truth. It will free you to live authentically and be authentic.


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