Mastery of the Self & Vibration

Learning how to Heal and Transcend the Human Race

(This research is my personal experience, observation, and conclusion

Natural healing modalities have been around for ages. Everyone can self-heal because of the law of vibration. The human experience has become complex, and the process of evolution is essential to understand. As we vibrate and shift into a  state of consciousness, we can use self-mastery tools to help the healing process. The components I have identified within self-mastery are: our experience of the human senses, managing the mind, understanding emotions, our connection to the inner self, a holistic lifestyle, stress, victimization, human attachments, fear, learned behavior, re-education, and what has possibly been passed on and through the womb and past lives. These are all big topics. However, my primary purpose is to explore the connection. I have healed myself naturally from a chronic disease named cancer, so I want to share and explore how I used the law of vibration and a self-mastery process. I used my sensory system to soothe me into my natural state of being so I could start to heal and thrive in this lifetime. I tried many natural modalities along the way and learned what hindered my human metamorphosis process.  



The authentic me, the one with a healthy body and mind, was lost in the trauma and tragedy that can take place as we embark on our human journey. When we don’t have the tools to handle difficult situations or chronic stress consistently, it manifests and shows up within the body over time. That’s part of the construction of how the laws of the universe work. Perhaps we could define the symptoms as when we are sick, have an illness, are in pain, don’t feel good, have a negative perspective, feel stuck in life, are severely overweight, have consistent negative emotions that recur, feel poorly about ourselves, have unhealthy relationships, feel continuous anxiety or depression, have money problems, feel unimportant or unsafe, lash out and have anger bouts, have a poor quality of life, and the list goes on. Modern society seems to want to cure these symptoms, but what is ailing us, and how do we help ourselves? How do we live a fulfilled, loving, quality life?

We get caught up in the ”doing” ness of life and forget the “being” ness of why we are here on earth. Our bodies and minds get sick, so many of us seek help from modern doctors, and the solutions from modern medicine give us a pill or surgery, talk therapy, or label an issue with no explanation. Many of these current medicine modalities seem invasive, have side effects, and don’t address the root of the problem, so there never seems to be an actual state of health achieved using these options.  In my eyes, unacceptable, and if there is a better way, a way that we don’t have to struggle, then why would we? Human suffering has been around for as long as modern medicine and healing modalities.


When we suffer, we are in pain and need to be soothed. Why do we have pain, and why do we need to be soothed? Because we have the human senses. That’s a big part of how we embark on the human experience. It’s simple; we don’t feel good. We soothe ourselves into a better feeling state of being. How do we do that? I want to answer that question twofold. The person living out themselves within the ego in an unhealthy way will probably drink, eat, shop, binge watch tv or movies, seek out sex, keep themselves busy, etc. The person living within their higher self, aka the soul, will likely use things such as talking to an uplifting friend, meditation, being in nature, hanging out with a pet, moving the body, etc. My main conclusion would be that if this is the case, we can use our senses as a tool to cope, heal, regain consciousness in human form, and continue moving forward healthily. We can be our advocates and make choices that support our desires and higher self. We are essentially in control of how our life pans out and taking responsibility is empowering. It’s a game changer in health solutions and wellness management.

I will take a step back and address how we get sick in the first place. Then I will address what we do from here. So we are humans that go through traumas and have daily stressors, and over time, if not processed and let go, they can manifest somewhere in the body or mind. If we try to resolve the illness by cutting it out or medicating it, the root of the problem still exists, and the likelihood of resurfacing is promising. Modern science says they don’t know where cancer comes from, yet there are tons of commercials claiming things may cause cancer. Modern science says take these drugs, get these vaccinations, have this surgery, and claim this is the road to recovery for many ailments. Modern science reports very undesirable side effects. So how can we heal naturally when the doctors tell us differently? I asked myself this precise question in 2015. I am beyond shocked at how I helped myself and am living out a state of complete mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. I love to talk about this subject because it addresses not just cancer but all ailments of the human and the human condition.


I believe we are here to create a great life and have fun. We help others along the way, and as we lift one another, we all win and succeed, continue to feel free to self-express, have a fulfilling and quality life free of disease, and serve our primary purpose. We lean into what feels good and get the momentum going in that direction so we can manifest all our desires. However, our emotions kick in when there is trauma or stress in our world. We must feel them and let them flow so we can continue healthily. We must also be able to express our authentic selves freely. My experiences and observations are that most of us have unresolved emotions, have been traumatized in some capacity, are often addicted to stress, and are products of the ongoing squashing of self-expression that each human needs to survive and thrive. There can be varying degrees of how much humans live within this discord. Over time the piles that have not been dealt with build-up and surface negatively for humans. At this point, it becomes hard to understand and might feel impossible to dig ourselves out of this perceived deep well of gloom and doom. We find ourselves in despair and look to soothe ourselves from the discomfort. We have a choice. We have an option to manage our minds more effectively and, along the way, soothe our senses holistically so we can deal with all seemingly burdened us in this lifetime. We can choose to be healthy and desire to be happy. We can choose to take responsibility for ourselves. We can become curious and explore possibilities in the management and care of ourselves.


I have seen mind-over-matter cases where people have healed with modern medicine. I am not badmouthing modern medicine and am not against it. What we believe will work is what we need to heal in that season of our life. Do I think it is a long-term solution? Will I step out on a limb and say not really? I answer my tentative personal question with much emotion by saying I have witnessed many times the power of the mind, the power of modern medicine, the power of natural healing modalities, and the connection and disconnection we can have with our soul and the overall spirit of the universe. I look at life now and ask myself whether I want to live in wellness or sickness. The answer is wellness. To support that decision, most of my choices need to exude wellness. Assigning health programs, diets, physical exercise routines, etc., might seem simplistic to promote health. We have often looked to these modalities as things we must do to be healthy and help cure the problem. Yes, they are essential. However,  a holistic view will explain that it is the mind, the body, and the emotions we need to understand and nourish to have complete health.

I have also experienced a vital “letting go” process that purges all that might be ailing us. Wellness is how we continue to manage this self-care. Modern medicine surgeries and drugs can help us in emergencies. Alternative medicine can help us monitor the body systems. Talk therapy can help us get our words out. Creative outlets can help our self-expression. Energy medicine can help us clear the stuck emotions.  This is not a one-size-fits-all, and there are no magic pills. Everyone has their journey and experiences their reality. Hopefully, my words can help shed light on the side of possibility. It is possible to let go of all that does not serve us, deal with past traumas, absolve self-inflicted stress, re-develop the mind, manage emotions, connect with our higher self, and institute natural self-care. I have personally vibrated myself back to a state of complete health so let me be an example. 

What does all this mean, how does it all fit together, and what does it have to do with the law of vibration? Science agrees that everything is made of matter and is constantly vibrating and ever-changing. Everything has its frequency. Energy seems to hold it all together. So why wouldn’t we use its likeness to heal ourselves? It’s as simple as a vibration that helps shift perspective, shift our molecular makeup, then morph into a new state of health within the physical body and energy fields. Our intention is also powerful and contributes to the world of vibration and our human metamorphosis. This is where to power of the mind is proven to be a power player in the world of natural healing. If thought is vibrating, then positive thoughts and perspective contribute to healing. The human experience is shaped by thought, our senses, and our perceptions of reality. When we only abide by modern medicine, we do not always address the human senses and the mind as healing modalities.  We often view ourselves as needing to be fixed when we need to be guided back to our natural state of being, which is pure positive energy in a state of complete health. These ideas are often hard to believe and understand because they are felt from within rather than a physical manifestation seen by the eye. A holistic view that incorporates our human existence's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual makeup might help us understand. If we wish to be free of disease and struggle, we have the choice to live within our higher self. This is our soul and the connected source of ever-lasting existence, whether in our physical body or the realm of matter, energy, and spirit. Since it is all vibration, we have in our hand's many tools to soothe and shift and change matter over time. We have the power to heal ourselves and transcend into complete bliss and peace. In this state of being, no disease can exist within the body or the mind. The body vibrates and accepts what it needs to heal. The mind aids in supporting the process. The senses react and also aid in the process. 

vibration is universal law and part of science

Learning how to use vibration can start with the human senses. As we acquire tools to calm and ease ourselves through the senses, our bodies and minds follow that feeling and allow the body to heal naturally, returning to its original state. How is this possible? An example could be the use of sound for our auditory senses, the use of light for our visual senses, the use of plant food for our taste senses, the use of massage for our touch senses, and the use of essential oils for our smell senses. These are all things that can calm us into a state where we can receive what we need to heal. If we are not in a peaceful state, we continue to reside in our past trauma and struggles, a stressful state, an acidic body, a negative mind, and an overall unhealthy state of being. The mind also needs to be understood and managed. I have experienced many mental exercises, and hands down, meditation has been the most powerful tool. It is hard to tell the mind to be positive and have it abide. The mind naturally goes to the negative, so things can sometimes seem impossible to resolve. Shifting our state of being also involves how we think, what we believe, and what we do with those thoughts. Thoughts are also vibrational. Thought steers our reality. Everything is vibration. So if everything vibrates, we all have a chance at complete health through natural resources. Vibration moves matter and the energy that seems to hold it all together. That is also why energy medicine is a real thing that works well for our overall health.  Our job is to maintain health through self-care practices that support overall wellness. At this point, we can use our wellness tools to help us shift into clarity, fulfillment, self-love, a strong sense of purpose, having great relationships, enjoying abundance, and creating a great life full of happiness. We can choose to view life as rising up and up until we transcend into the non-physical, or we can choose to observe and live as if there is a downward spiral into a weak body and mind that has a poor quality of life, and we die within the gloom and doom. So when we choose to live in wellness, we choose good vibrations that support that state of being. That is our power, and now you know how to use vibration to make it happen. Thank the higher powers for universal law and especially the law of vibration. We can all master the self and vibrate into complete health and happiness.


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