Are We Living in Fear?

Excuse my language BUT… hell yeah we are!! This is my very opinionated opinion on the matter. Why do you think there is still racism and inequalities? Why do you think war still exists? Why do people criticize each other? Why do we feel the need to control things? Why do we seek approval? Why, why, why?? You could ask this in most situations and come down to the same logical reason… we fear the unknown. I challenge you to challenge me on this topic. We can deny it all we want, but we would be lying to ourselves. We will not be our authentic selves until we can accept fear, become friends with fear, let it go, and realize everything is ok. Really. I am living proof that fear ruled my life on many levels. Fear sank into my mind and steered my decision-making for many years. As soon as I started facing fear and opened up to new perspective, life changed drastically. I changed drastically. Change promotes change in many scenarios because people and places will adapt to your change. Some things may go away, some things may stay, and that is ok. It is a set-up for a beautifully lived life full of freedom.

I know I might be setting myself up for taking a lot of heat, BUT, think about the Pandemic in regards to fear. If people were not operating under fear, do you think it could have been a different experience for you? I view the pandemic as a small mass awakening for the human race. Is everyone awake? No. Is that ok? Yes. It’s part of being human and the way the universe evolves. I would like to throw PERSPECTIVE on the plate as being very important too. Why? Because when we work through our fears, often, our perspective changes. Why are we fearful? Is it learned? Yes! There is something to be said about following intuition and being guided by our higher self. That is different than fear. Consider that gut instinct an alert system. You don’t have to go into fear mode, you can simply let your guidance system assist you on your path. I would like to share my own personal process in knocking out fear when I was diagnosed with cancer. Whether it’s a sickness in the body or a sickness in the mind, the root of the issue likely stemmed from fear and the repercussions of holding onto that fear. Here is a blog entry in regards to my experience in addressing fear that might be helpful in understanding your own bouts with fear….

“ Cancer seems to have a very scary stigma attached to it. It seems taboo to talk about the positive impacts it can have on life. It seems to just be about a sad story that somebody has to talk about or ends up dying and the saga is told in a heart-wrenching manner. What about the idea that when there is dark there will then be light? What about the people that do have success stories? What about the families who experience it together and create a powerful bond? What about how much more grateful and thankful many of us are after experiencing cancer? Why do we commercialize the sad parts and lose focus of moving forward in a positive manner? Why is our knee jerk response to say “fuck cancer!” ? Why do we pile millions of dollars into scientific FDA approved drug research and treatment when many people who try those modalities die? ( I know people will debate- go ahead) Why do we tout colored ribbons and participate in races for the cure for all that money to go to these endless researches that still have no answers other than the cause is unknown”? Isn’t this enough to ask ourselves how did we get here in the first place? Why is this happening? How can we approach this problem/solution for cancer at different angles? How can we all work together to provide different outcomes and different mindsets when we think about disease in general? It’s the world of disease trying to be managed by modern science when there is also adequate research and proof about quantum mechanics and cultural traditions to ease our pain and suffering.  If we all agree that we are made up of particles and energy and are constantly changing then why does traditional medicine have such a negative connotation and admonished by many? Because we are humans and humans have a mind and the mind is another beast to deal with. I am sorry but not sorry to report that this girl does not believe all she is told and it is fact that we tell stories to ourselves and it sticks in our minds and that becomes our reality. That blows!! So from where I sit I see us all getting brain lobotomies to get to the bottom of this! Kidding! But re-training our brains and forming new perspective and getting rid of thoughts that don’t serve us well anymore are really necessary. More necessary than any other conventional or traditional  or alternative medical/health  procedure or protocol. We need to update our operating systems people. We operate under fear and it defeats the whole purpose of us even being here on earth as human beings. 

My solution was to go out and do as many things that made me feel uncomfortable and invoked fear that I could do. Well it worked. It’s working. I still do it. We are human so our minds and egos and bodies and souls and emotions need constant attention from ourselves. That’s called just being human. It’s part of the healing process. Standing up for myself and being an advocate and choosing my own health course of action was scary. It went against the norm. I didn’t have anyone to check in with to see if I was doing it well or doing it right. I had to trust myself. If I didn’t it was not going to work. Cancer made me do it and I am so grateful. Just another reason I have an opinionated opinion about the pandemic vaccine and the idea that our freedoms are being incapacitated if we don’t follow the public perception that the vaccine is the “magic pill”.  So if I choose natural health care and you are telling me to get a vaccine or I have limited access to the world then what does that say about how I want to live my own life and live out my own truth? It would go against everything that I have worked so hard to change about my self and stand up for and be. (another hot debate topic I am sure) This blog is not about the pandemic so I will save that topic for another time. :)

I actually enjoy the whole knocking out fear thing. It helps me pick some pretty awesome things to do and experience while I am here on earth. Traveling by myself was a pretty good start. The flying trapeze and hang gliding were runners up. But the big kicker was actually speaking my truth and letting people be dysfunctional and be and stay angry with me. I simply have mastered the I don’t care what others think about me thing and it is awesome! We create our own realities and when your reality is focusing on all the beauty and happy and good in the world, the other stuff just kinda fades away. In this case, yes, time heals all. Fear is now my friend, and I am glad I get scared now and then. It let’s me know I have not gone totally whacko from my meditations and thrown myself off the deep end of being a free spirit without any observation of humanity and what that means for me. 

Once I started to tackle this thing called fear I realized my mind was playing a big role in whether or not I was progressing. The mind is a beast and yes we have a monkey mind. The past was filled with rumination and creating realities that were very stressful and simply not true. As soon as I realized my mind needed to be rewired I spent ridiculous amounts of hours a day just listening and laying and soaking in all the meditations, self-help, YouTube clips, spa music, affirmations, and journaling that I could fit into the day. I became privy to Deepak Chopra, Sadghuru, Mooji, Abraham Hicks, Joe Dispenza, Louise Hayes, Wayne Dyer, and many more. They were my go to every single day and I have not stopped since. Every morning is filled with meditation and affirmations and thanks. Always. If I ever miss a morning I always get it done sometime during the day or before bed. Always. It keeps me in check, just like eating green every day. The more I combat fear the stronger I feel. The stronger I feel the more confident I am in speaking my truth. The more I speak my truth the more I get what I truly desire. The more I get what I truly desire the happier I feel. It makes anything possible. 

I cannot stress how we need to be friends with fear. We need to be able to look it in the eyes and create a new story that serves our purpose well. If you follow this notion, when humans disagree, it feels easier to agree to disagree rather than cause chaos because there is disagreement. Did you get that? Let me say it like this, we can run our lives filled with fear and be reactors and caught up in defense mechanisms. This is true for ALL of life, whether it be war, politics, health care, social norm, or within ourselves. Yes that is my belief and if there were a subject I was non-negotiable on, it is this one. I believe fear is brought on by ourselves. If I follow the motto “we are all doing the best that we can in every moment in time with what we know” then I have to believe that at the core everyone is good, everyone is doing what they feel is best, there are no enemies. However, the fears we have not acknowledged within ourselves can seep out onto the public and have an effect on humanity. (IE:covid and the reactions) Also, that being said I also believe “everything is always working out for us” to be true. So that indicates the universe takes care of everything. When we experience these fears and darkness it injects desire within us to experience what feels better ( often the opposite) and thankfully the universe is on it 24-7 making it come true. We are here to live out lives that feel good and experience creativity. It's all part of the master process. My hope is that many can explore these possibilities. Take our fears by the hand and embrace what could be. Why do you think there are injustices? Fear. Why do you think there is violence? Fear. Why do you think there is sickness? Fear. When we can move past judgment, rules, regulations, and conditions, we are looking at fear in the eyes and saying no longer. We are talking about moving out of victimization. We are becoming powerful. It’s a beautiful process.  Perhaps it takes a quick look at what was and how we grew up and what soaked into our brain cells to really understand fear. “

The journey into the unknown is spectacular, so keep your eyes wide open!


Mastery of the Self & Vibration


It’s Ok to Let Go…