Is Holistic Medicine Real?

who, what, where, when, why?

My name is Tami, aka the holistic professor. I consider myself a leader in living a holistic lifestyle and using natural self-care tools and remedies. I currently live in Chicago and work as a professional musician. I am a former professor at Depaul University and also worked many years in the health and fitness field. My side gig is helping to create wellness within ourselves and the world. I host events, online courses, retreats, and host performance sound baths. Why? In a nutshell, I wanted to change the trajectory of my life. I was living unfulfilled, in past traumas, and did not understand or have the tools for a better existence. I along with my sister and my mom all ended up with cancer so I began exploring why and how to make it go away permanently. I chose to heal myself naturally and realized that what I was doing actually worked! I realized the main component was using the world of vibration to my advantage. I wanted to understand what I did so I studied and became a sound therapist. There are layers to really understanding self-healing through vibration so I put together some fun and educational ways to learn and explore. There is not a magic pill and you don’t cut it out or give it a drug prescription. I would describe it as a process that needs an open mind and open heart.

what does holistic mean?

In simple terms, holistic is about observing yourself as part of the whole. The large whole is the universe and the small whole is the human being. Everything is connected and made up of matter that is continuously moving and changing. Scientifically, you could say matter and energy, and vibration hold everything together.

The universal whole could consist of nature, human beings, the stars, planets, and everything that is detectable by our senses. So living holistically in these terms would mean connecting to and forming a relationship with the universe.

When we observe the “self” holistically, we view the overall makeup being the mind, body, emotions, ego, and soul. As we get curious and self-inquire, we learn how to take care of ourselves better.

what is a holistic lifestyle?

When we take care of the whole self, we balance our inner and outer worlds, kind of like an integration process. We look at the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of humans that are “being”. When we can connect the dots within the self it then becomes easier to navigate through other holistic categories that could include environment, financial, career and purpose, relationships, belief systems, physical and mental stress, quality of life, and biology of the body.

A holistic lifestyle is about adapting to the self and the universe, accepting and trusting the process, and learning how to use it to create a joyful life experience. When we allow harmony within the body and the universe, we all sing, and we all live in complete health. It’s a beautiful re-emerging self-expression process. We are no longer confined by conditional living and limiting beliefs.

We came into the world through a natural process and started developing as a seedling in a sense. If we can get back to the roots of how we got here, it might be easier to digest the possibility of how to take care of ourselves naturally. When we also understand universal law, we can get our bodies and minds into a natural flow state of existence. The flow feels easy and feels good.

the science part…

Remember, everything is “matter” that is vibrating. Everything, including humans, is basically energy stored as mass particles or “matter”. Everything also has its own sound and/or frequency. In simple terms, we use healing frequencies as nutrients for the body and mind. Therefore, everybody has the power to exist in their natural harmonic state of being. It all comes down to just using the healing frequencies, frequently, and continuously as a means to keep the positive flow going. YES, dare I say out loud that we can physically vibrate ourselves into complete health. I am not here to convince you about science that has been around for centuries. I am here to support you and give you information so you can make informed decisions that are best for you and live a fabulous human experience.

Why? If you didn’t have to stress or struggle, then why would you? If you could create and make all your dreams come true, why wouldn’t you? If you had the opportunity to feel complete bliss, would you? It all comes down to how we are living, who and what we are being, and how we proceed. Once we let go of the idea of being right or wrong, be our own advocates, stop caring what others think of us, quit comparing, and look within, there are a whole lot of solutions and options on this menu of life. This is the health care and medicine that I believe we all want to understand.

natural self-care tools…

Self-care tools such as using nature, plants, sound, light, color, movement, water, meditation, sacred geometry, crystals, etc have been used by many cultures for many centuries, and for many ailments. My personal experience and observation are that as a society, we have squashed our self-expression of and through voice and movement. When we don’t allow expression and emotions to flow or don’t allow healthy communication and healing from our past traumas, we create stuck energy. The squashed energy shows up eventually as disease, depression, anxiety, etc. We are making ourselves sick.

Technically, these modalities of natural self-care such as SOUND, move this stuck matter/energy. So we can say that traditional medicine makes a comeback after all these years. Here is a nice definition for some clarity… “Traditional medicine is the sum total of the knowledge, skill, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.” (definition by the world health organization)

Ever notice how mother nature always provides what is needed? How do the trees and plants know how to grow and give us oxygen? We don’t tell them to do it or send them to school or transport them to a hospital if they are sick. The universe knows how to take care of itself. The universe also takes care of us if we allow the process.

Humans are also just as powerful. We have the ability to manifest all our desires. When we accept our humanness and start the process of self-inquiry, we can live through a beautiful human metamorphosis. We can create harmony and balance within the mind and body. We become connected to the bigger picture, the whole. We heal.

When we seek alternative or integrative or holistic forms of care, we are getting vibrational medicine. It is a real thing. I healed myself naturally of cancer. I am a living example. From personal experience, holistic living is a very profound lifestyle. Holistic medicine is real.


Human Beings Vs. Humans Doing
